
Program Type: Face-to-Face
Program Level: Continuing Education
Department: Continuing Education
Institute: Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics
College: SPC

What is the Welding program?

Basic Welding - 学生将学习保护金属电弧焊(SMAW)工艺的理论和介绍. 强调焊接工艺、材料和设备的选择技能.

Introduction to Welding - With a hands-on approach, 本AWS焊接基础课程为您提供焊接基本原理的全面概述. 您将学习最常用的焊接工艺的基础科学和实际应用以及其他基本主题. At the end of the course, 您将了解在含氧燃料中使用的设备的基本原理, MIG welding, TIG welding, and arc welding, including welding and cutting safety, basic oxyfuel welding and cutting, 基本弧焊工艺和基本冶金.

Advanced Shielded Metal ARC Welding -学生将探索保护金属电弧焊(SMAW)工艺的理论,并学习基于公认焊接规范的高级主题. By the end of this course, 您将接受各种电极的保护金属弧焊工艺培训,并在所有位置使用开放的v型槽接头.

Advanced MIG Welding - 学生将学习结构钢和装配钢产品的焊剂芯弧焊的先进概念. 发展你的技能在多道角和v型坡口焊接. By the end of the course, 您将知道如何选择和正确使用GMAW设备,并识别和描述保护气体, 在使用正确的GMAW焊接程序的同时,进行金属和金属转移的类型和焊条选择

Gas Tungsten ARC Welding (GTAW) - Develop your welding skills to a new level. 在本GTAW铝合金焊接课程中提高您的铝合金焊接技能. 通过学习安全焊接练习来提高你的技能,包括“T”和搭接. 本课程提供使用气体钨极弧焊技术的实践练习.

Advanced Gas Tungsten ARC Welding (GTAW) - 学生将学习高级GTAW,并探索黑色金属和有色金属的各种焊接位置. 专注于管道和其他不锈钢材料的不锈钢修复.

Pipe Welding - 学生将学习当今管道焊接行业中使用的保护金属弧焊工艺的原理和实践. 根据美国焊接协会认可的标准焊接钢管和钢板. 你还将获得职场技能,如数学、沟通和商业道德.

Layout & Fabrication - 采取在你的领域的下一步发展你的技能与中级布局和制造的延续课程. 您将涵盖的生产和制造布局工具和过程涉及焊接规范, rod selection, reading basic blueprints, 计算尺寸和完成布局.


  • Basic Welding - WLDG 1003
  • Intro to Welding - WLDG 1000
  • Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) - WLDG 2043
  • Advanced MIG Welding - WLDG 2047
  • Pipe Welding - WLDG 2053
  • Layout & Fabrication - WLDG 1053
  • Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) - WLDG 1034
  • Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) - WLDG 2051



Program Information

Time Commitment

80 Contact Hours

8 Week Training


Certificate of Completion (Alamo)

Career Outlook

Learn more at the Alamo Colleges Career Coach website
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Program Requirements

设备:安全眼镜等个人防护用品, ear plugs, long sleeve shirt and pants, gloves, boots



Some High School



Basic Welding - $1,654
Introduction to Welding - $1,713
RTW-Partner-Badge-Training-Provider-color.png RTW-Partner-Badge-Official-Partner-color.png

One or more of these programs are approved Ready to Work programs. 弄清楚你是否有资格获得免费的学费和就业安置服务,这将使你获得一个有需求的职业. 

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Contact Information

CE Registration

Phone: 210-212-5266 (Option 4)
Email: dst-ceregister@mogrenlandscape.com

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